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Power pins of ESP-WROOM-32 showing connectivity

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:25 am
by SaiTejaManchukanti
I designed an embedded application based on ESP-WROOM-32 module to give strong vibration alerts. Initially it was working well. Suddenly it stopped working and the power pins of ESP32 (3V3 and Gnd pins) showing connectivity.

What might be the reason for this? Please help me in this regard.

Re: Power pins of ESP-WROOM-32 showing connectivity

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:25 am
by ESP_Sprite
Well, from what you state, all that can safely be concluded is 'something on the power lines is probably broken', and my guess is that you don't need us to figure that out. Do you have more information? Schematics, voltages, pictures, what components you already measured, ...?

Re: Power pins of ESP-WROOM-32 showing connectivity

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 7:01 am
by SaiTejaManchukanti
Sorry for my late response.

I am controlling vibration motors with my ESP-32 Module. ESP-WROOM-32 module transmits the signal to n-channel MOSFET to tuen on vibtation Motor.

Voltage Supplied to motor : 8 V
Voltage supplied to ESP-32 is 3.3 V

Re: Power pins of ESP-WROOM-32 showing connectivity

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:25 am
by ESP_Sprite
Again, hard to say without the schematic. Did you use flyback protection diodes on the vibration motors? Do you know if the short is in the ESP-WROOM32 or in your own hardware?