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EMC test mode

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:41 pm
by greg_james
We have to get our hardware certified in a number of different countries . And to meet the certification process the ESP software will need to configure our hardware to different operational states as there are a number of software controlled DC/DC supplies on the hardware.

The problem is that Espressif only supplies the FCC test software as a binary. I have contacted Espressif to see if I can get the source code or in binary library so that I can incorporate it into our test code, they replied that will not supply the code.

Does any one know how to put the ESP32 into the required modes for the certification process ?



Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:25 am
by WiFive
Do all potential noise sources have to be enabled during intentional radiator testing or just those directly coupled to the antenna? Obviously there is some potential for interaction between intentional and unintentional radiator sources. This is how we get things like FCC full modular certification requiring rf shielding and internal regulation. The unintentional radiator sources would be tested separately with intentional radiators powered off. This may be different in other regulatory jurisdictions.

Obviously espressif should provide some assistance such as allowing gpio control or lua/upython scripting in the test binary or releasing a library that can be incorporated into idf projects. Maybe too much fear of cw mode being turned into a jammer? At least it should be available under nda and usage agreement.

Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:44 am
by greg_james
The unintentional radiators will be tested separately in most cases (TBD as we require Indonesian and South African) , but that means I have to supply two sets of hardware

It would be great if there was some basic gpio control that could be added to their test software . But it would be better if it was a library.

Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:22 pm
by timredfern
I also need access to the RF testing/ certification source code.

The product in question has significant electrical circuitry and needs to be tested as a whole, directed by it's own control panel.

My client believes that the Espressif certification tools won't work for the certification process they require.

Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:24 am
by ESP_Sprite
I can only suggest you to contact sales at for this, as to my knowledge there's no one active on the forum that has influence over these manufacturing-related things.

Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:48 pm
by timredfern
I'm trying to ascertain if the interface that needs to be used for the test modes is exposed so I could write my own test suite. From what I see, there are no binaries distributed in the SDK so it must be possible in theory to get the ESP32 wifi system into the correct modes if one understood the requirements?

Re: EMC test mode

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:12 pm
by michikite
did you ever receive an answer to this?