I would like to use an external USB PHY so that the builtin USB PHY can still be used along with embedded USB Serial/JTAG.
The only documentation of this feature seems to be here:
https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp ... b_phy.html
Also looking at the ESP-IDF code it appears there is code for configuring the PHY pins.
As far as I can tell there are no ESP-IDF code examples, please correct me if you aware of any.
My first/biggest problem is just finding an IC compatible with recommended SP5301, since that has long been EOL and is largely unavailable. It looks like the TI TUSB1105 might do the trick: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tusb1105.pdf.
If anyone can point at some example code and/or schematics using other ICs that would help a lot.
Tips using an external USB PHY with ESP32-S3
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