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ESP32-S3 Won't Communicate over COM Port after efuse burn

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:49 pm
by CobaltTheFox

I have an ESP32-S3 and I wanted to use GPIO pins 39-42 for a project. Looking online I found that these are JTAG pins so I burned the efuse EFUSE_DIS_PAD_JTAG to 1. According to the datasheet this should force the everything over onto the USB JTAG.

My ESP32 will no long communicate over it's serial port to,, or the arduino software when previously it was working just fine.

I am using the built in USB to program and communicate with the hardware.

Did I misunderstand something in burning this efuse that is stopping serial communication now?

Re: ESP32-S3 Won't Communicate over COM Port after efuse burn

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:48 am
by ESP_Sprite
Not sure what went wrong, but there was no need to burn that fuse. Jtag is the normal usage of those pins without the fuse burnt, but a program can trivially re-initialize them for GPIO or other purposes.