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Arduino IDE will not detect a port to an ESP32 Dev Module

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:31 pm
by RebelJD
I've been using the Arduino IDE 2.3.2 on my Windows 11 Pro to program a ESP32 Dev Module with no issues. However, I just got a new laptop with Windows 11 home addition and installed Arduino IDE 2.3.2 but cannot get it to detect a USB port. I'm using the same USB cable.

The device manager on the laptop shows the port as "CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller" but also indicates the drivers for this device are not installed. When I look at the device manager on my desktop the port shows "Silicon Labs 210x USB to UART Bridge (com7)

Does anyone have any advice on how to correct this?

The laptop connects fine to an Arduino Nano, but with a different cable.

Re: Arduino IDE will not detect a port to an ESP32 Dev Module

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:57 pm
by RebelJD
Well that was easier than I thought. I went to the Silcon Labs website and figured out how to download and update the driver.

Re: Arduino IDE will not detect a port to an ESP32 Dev Module

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:13 pm
by jgustavoam