PSRAM 120MHz or not?

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PSRAM 120MHz or not?

Postby DrMickeyLauer » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:14 am

I did read the fine documentation, but I'm afraid I didn't fully understand the consequences of enabling the experimental 120MHz support for SPIRAM.

We're using ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 modules from our chinese supplier. They come with chip revision 0.2. What are the odds that these chips support 120MHz PSRAM in a stable way? And... if I enable 120MHz and it works -- can I assume it works reliably or will it perhaps be unstable later on in the process (with regards to increasing temperature).

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Re: PSRAM 120MHz or not?

Postby eriksl » Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:26 am

Apparently you can only enable 120 Mhz for PSRAM when you also meet some other criteria for the FLASH memory. For my ESP32-S3-F4R2 (which has both of them in the package) those criteria are not met, so it won't work. Maybe it's different in your situation.

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