Powering ESP32 WROOM Dev Board

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Powering ESP32 WROOM Dev Board

Postby prairietech » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:51 pm

I'm using a dev board on a pcb I designed. The dev board is going to be powered from the pcb. I will be writing code to the dev board from the USB cable until I can get the code working as desired so it needs to remain connected to the pcb for the input signals.

What issues am I going to have when I plug in the USB cable to the dev board being powered from the pcb? Maybe I should have included a jumper header on the pcb to disable the dev board powering from the pcb?

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Re: Powering ESP32 WROOM Dev Board

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:56 am

It depends on the devboard in question, but for 95% of the boards out there, there's no issue. They tend to have a Schotty-diode from USB 5V to the general 5V line (e.g. D3 on the DevkitC) which prevents backfeeding and allows for both USB and external power.

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