esp32-pico-v3-02 output impedance

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esp32-pico-v3-02 output impedance

Postby espiando » Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:06 am

Hello all,

need some support to understand datasheet and related RF impedance output for this chip

Based on datasheet: ... eet_en.pdf

Page 23. There is an internal RF matching circuit and no value for the equivalent impedance.

Question: are those values correct and can somebody tell me how to convert them to "x resistance y J" values. Similar as described in other datasheets for older chips. Example ESP32 E

The output impedance of the RF pins of ESP32 (QFN 6x6) and ESP32 (QFN 5x5) are (30+j10) Ω and (35+j10) Ω, respectively. A π-type matching network is essential for antenna matching in the circuit design. CLC structure is recommended for the matching network.

Would be thankful for any kind of guidance

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