Pin states for booting ESP32-S3-WROOM

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Pin states for booting ESP32-S3-WROOM

Postby orbitcoms » Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:39 am

I have a ESP32-S3-WROOM module that I can program the flash and run using ESP-PROG on uart from VScode.
However, when I remove the ESP-PROG, the proram stops running and does not restart on power up. It only runs through the ESP-PROG.
I check the power on the module is ok and ground properly connected.
IIO0, IO45, IO46 and IO3 are not connected to anything.
EN pin is pulled up to 3.3Vcc by 4k7 resistor with 100nF cap to ground. EN, PGM_TXD, PGM_RXD, PGM and Vcc all connect to the programming header for ESP-PROG to plug in. This is the same circuit I have used on other boards and have not had this issue. The version ESP32-S3-Wroom I am using is 16MB flash with no PSRAM.

Should something be pulled up or down I have not done here?

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Re: Pin states for booting ESP32-S3-WROOM

Postby username » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:13 pm

Did you try pulling up IO0?

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Re: Pin states for booting ESP32-S3-WROOM

Postby orbitcoms » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:18 pm

Thanks for replying to my post.
This was My Bad,
I notice IO0 did not pull up all the way to 3.3V and tried a pull up and still did not pull up.
This is a new design and what I had done without realizing was to use a programmable regualtor in place of the 3.3V fixed regulator (it has the same package the 3.3 fixed reg). I should have known better and properly measured the DC conditions before doing any coding but because I had plugged the ESP-PROG in, the voltages all looked ok at 3.3V

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