finding a display that will work: what to look for?

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finding a display that will work: what to look for?

Postby qubdtq » Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:55 am

Hi -- I am getting an ESP32-DevKitC-VIE soon. I am seeking a display to go with it, and I want to know what exactly I need to see to make sure the display I want to use will be supported reasonably well by existing libraries.

I want to use this screen. It uses a ILI9488 driver chip.

The DFRobot docs show that their own library works with it, but apparently it does not support accessing the micro SD card on ESP32?

I found LovyanGFX and in its list it says "ILI9488 (Makerfabs Touch with Camera)" -- is that good enough? Or should I interpret that to mean that it only works (in a reliable/tested way) with that specific display? (Looks like no SD card support there, though?)

Are there other featured libraries that I should know about that would support this screen (and ideally the SD card)?

Thanks for any guidance!

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