UART1(RX1, TX1) Port is re-routable to UART1(5, 18); do you recommend it?

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UART1(RX1, TX1) Port is re-routable to UART1(5, 18); do you recommend it?

Postby GolamMostafa » Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:34 am

In the pinout diagram of my 30-pin ESP32 Dev Module, only UART2 Port is free. I need to use UART1 Port. Data sheet shows that the IO lines of this port are associated with physical pin-28/29 (GPIO9/10) of ESP32 MCU). Currently, PPin-28/29 of ESP32 MCU are engaged with flash memory. The following code allows me to connect the IO pins of UART1 Port with GPIO5/18. Does Espressif agree with this relocation and do they support it to use in commercial applications?
  1. Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 5, 18);
esp32MultiplexedLines-2.png (37.43 KiB) Viewed 2977 times

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Re: UART1(RX1, TX1) Port is re-routable to UART1(5, 18); do you recommend it?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Sep 04, 2023 12:17 pm

Assuming this is a 'classic' ESP32 (not S2/3 or C2/3/6/...) as you didn't specify otherwise: those GPIOs are free and this should work.

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Re: UART1(RX1, TX1) Port is re-routable to UART1(5, 18); do you recommend it?

Postby GolamMostafa » Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:44 pm

It is 30-pin ESP32 Board and comes as ESP32 Dev Module in Boards List. At the back of the board, there is a laser engraving: ESP32S. The propsed UAR1(5, 18) communicates well with UART2(16, 17) of another ESP32S.

Thank you for the answer.
Last edited by GolamMostafa on Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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