Recommendation for far-field audio recording information?

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Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:50 pm

Recommendation for far-field audio recording information?

Postby wpgbird » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:04 pm

I’m brand new to the RISC-V and more specifically Espressif products, my background is more a dedicated hobbyist at the high-power/desktop level. I’d like to educate myself regarding possible far-field audio recording capable systems or add-on microphones that would work well with some of the edge-AI capable boards to do analysis of animal sounds (as well as vehicle audio analysis in a separate project, but that comes later). Does anyone have resources that based on your experience would be good starting points for this type of audio application?

I see that many of the Espressif boards come with on-board, low-power, microphone arrays, I just have had trouble finding anyone that has experience with the effectiveness of using these systems for NON-voice audio recording and ML analysis of very low volume/far-field sound sources.

I am VERY happy to read any books, blogs, references sources…etc, I am just hoping to narrow the field a little bit to some of the “better” resources that people doing audio recording and analysis for non-speech applications have found relevant. :-) I’m already reading through all the technical specifications for the boards and looking at sample projects.

Thank you for considering my request. I am truly excited to be diving into low-power edge-AI/ML applications with Espressif’s impressive array of products.

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