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ESP32C6 LP power consumption

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:24 pm
by clinnemann
Hello everybody,

I am measuring 1,5 mA of ESP32C6 WROOM module (without Dev Board) for deep sleep and LP "powered down / halted".

This value seems quite high. Therefore my question: Is this value realistic?

Best regards,

Re: ESP32C6 LP power consumption

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:02 am
by ESP_igrr
Are you measuring the current consumption of the whole devkit, or of the module itself (using the provided jumper on the devkit)?

If you are measuring with a bare module (without the dev kit), could you add which pins you are connecting and which application are you running?

The value looks too high for the module in deep sleep, should be around 5-6 uA.

Re: ESP32C6 LP power consumption

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:58 am
by clinnemann

sorry for the confusion. Everthing is fixed and the LP consumes 50uA @5ms wake intervall!

The problem was that I was still using this code snipplet (taking from an ESP32 ULP FSM programm):
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ulp_load_binary(0, ulp_main_bin_start, (ulp_main_bin_end - ulp_main_bin_start) / sizeof(uint32_t)) );

With this code snipplet everything works fine:
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ulp_lp_core_load_binary(ulp_main_bin_start, (ulp_main_bin_end - ulp_main_bin_start) ) );

Best regard,