Best Processor and Devkit to Use

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Best Processor and Devkit to Use

Postby sarogersz » Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:54 pm

For convenience in my simple datalogger product, I want to use a devkit as the main component in my datalogger product. As an example, I have developed the product over the last couple of years using DOIT version of the devkit v1, which uses the ESP32-WROOM-32D MCU. As I go into product release phase, what would be the best devkit/MCU going forward that is similar, but current series?

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Re: Best Processor and Devkit to Use

Postby MicroController » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:37 pm

what would be the best devkit/MCU going forward that is similar, but current series?
The one that can do everything you need for the lowest price.

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Re: Best Processor and Devkit to Use

Postby ESP_Sprite » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:07 am

Generally, the Espressif devkit-C series are widely available and generally kept up-to-date with the latest SoC. Do note that we generally do not recommend using devkits as final products, as the composition of devkits isn't as stable as e.g. a module or chip. (As in: we won't change things in modules or chips without sending out an ECO, while for devkits, the rules are a bit more lenient.)

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