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Problems flashing ESP-LyraT v4.3

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:23 pm
by weirddan
I recently got enough spare time to sit down with my ESP32 LyraT 4.3 kit and I am having trouble flashing it.
It either gives me "Failed to connect to ESP32: Invalid head of packet (0x08)"
or (when holding the RST button) "Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received".
I have tested it on Windows, on WSL in windows and on MacOS and the same thing happens.
I am able to access the UART output of the device and can interact with it that way, but i cannot flash new binaries to it.
I bought it from Digikey this christmas and it is running the firmware it came with.
I have tested changing Flash Baud Rate to 9600 but that only resulted in "No serial data received".
I have worked with ESP-IDF before on other boards and it worked fine, it just seem to have trouble with flashing this board.
I have the same configuration as it came in, no jumpers or other connections, just the two USB connected and the power switch turned to "on".
What might be the cause and how might I flash it?

Re: Problems flashing ESP-LyraT v4.3

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:23 am
Which download tool do you use? Could you try to use flash download tool and have a try?
I think when you plug the USB cable, then auto-download will work. You do not need no other connections.
From the error you provide, it seems to be the problem of serial port, could you monitor the UART0 signals through oscilloscope? And please check if there is problem on the board around UART0 and serial chip part.
Or do you have another one module to be replaced?