Trouble uploading code to ESP32-S3-WROOM-1
Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:46 pm
I've been trying to connected to the ESP32 board I've designed for research and have been unable to get the system to connect to the ESP32.
I'm using a CP2102 and a auto reset circuit to upload code to the ESP32, every time I've tried to upload data to the code i get a
"timed out receiving header packet" error
The circuit i'm using for the ESP32 and the CP2102 are here: I've tried some different software configurations for uploading but still haven't been able to achieve a download. manually pulling the IO0 and EN pins don't transmit a response to a serial monitor that would say its in download mode. My computer will recognize the CP2102 in usb devices.
I'm using Arduino to test upload the code.
using a scope My esp32 RX line is receiving chatter IO0 is receiving this signal
I was hoping maybe some people have some advice I can revise the circuit to test correct some output issues.
I'm using a CP2102 and a auto reset circuit to upload code to the ESP32, every time I've tried to upload data to the code i get a
"timed out receiving header packet" error
The circuit i'm using for the ESP32 and the CP2102 are here: I've tried some different software configurations for uploading but still haven't been able to achieve a download. manually pulling the IO0 and EN pins don't transmit a response to a serial monitor that would say its in download mode. My computer will recognize the CP2102 in usb devices.
I'm using Arduino to test upload the code.
using a scope My esp32 RX line is receiving chatter IO0 is receiving this signal
I was hoping maybe some people have some advice I can revise the circuit to test correct some output issues.