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Native USB issue on an esp32-s2-solo module (not kit)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:31 pm
by n47h4n

Using an esp32-c3 module (Ai-Thinker one), I can use native usb either in run mode or DFU mode.
With an esp32-s2-solo (a module not a kit), I can see the device in /dev only in DFU mode, not in RUN mode.
I have a RC network (10kohm to Vcc/1uF to GND).
I enter DFU mode by connecting IO0 to GND then EN to GND, releasing GND and then IO0.
IO46 is connected to GND. I can see /dev/cu.usbmodem01 and /dev/tty.usbmodem01.

For RUN mode, I let IO0 not connected since datasheet says "Don’t-care".
I don't see any device in /dev

I'm using a Macbook Pro with v11.7.5 (Big Sur).
But I think this is not important.

What I'm I doing wrong?
Is esp32-s2-solo really supporting native USB?

EDIT: I must add that the Soc is in RUN mode when I have this problem. Blink app works fine.
D+ is connected to IO20 and D- to IO19. I have trie with a second esp32-s2-solo and it's the same.

Re: Native USB issue on an esp32-s2-solo module (not kit)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:53 am
by ESP_Sprite
DFU 'run' mode needs support in the app. If you use esp-idf, using menuconfig to set the logging console to CDC/ACM should enable that.

[SOLVED] Re: Native USB issue on an esp32-s2-solo module (not kit)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:08 am
by n47h4n
@ESP_Sprite thanks, it works!