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Extra component with EN button

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:43 pm
by BetterWiac
There seems to be an extra component on this devkit (devkit V1 is the only info i have)
I just got this board and haven't worked with any other ESP32 boards before but this component seems out of place. After lookin at videos featuring similar esp32 boards and pictures it seems as though this is a defect.
Should i desolder it or should i keep it there?
The EN button also seems to not be properly aligned with the markings.

Re: Extra component with EN button

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:09 am
by ESP_Sprite
That is likely a hacky fix to make the boards auto-download function work with a wider range of PCs/OSses. It lengthens the time the PC has to set IO0 low, which in some cases is needed. If the board otherwise works, I'd leave it in as is.