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Flashing Firmware using CMSIS flasher for ESP32-pico-mini-02 DK

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:48 pm
by pulkit
I am trying to flash firmware in esp32-pico-02 development kit using "CMSIS-DAP Compliant SWD Debugger". I am using the "program" command(program <filename> [address] [pre-verify] [verify] [reset] [exit]) to flash the binary file. But getting the program error "Programming Failed" below images for reference. Also not able to erase the esp32. Commands I used are in below images.

ESP32 Pico 02 ---> CMSIS SWD debugger
Pin 14 ----> SWDIO
Pin 13 ----> SWDCLK
Pin 12 ----> TDI
Pin 15 ----> TDO
3.3V ----> Vcc
GND ----> GND

Please help if anyone have used SWD flasher with esp32 development kit.