8266 shut down / chip_en

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8266 shut down / chip_en

Postby nebula » Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:54 pm

First of all, sorry if this topic has been tackle already. I digged the forum but could not find a good answer.

The ESP8266 datasheet mentions a shutdown state (table 3.4). There is no futher reference to this mode, but I guess this is related to the CHIP_EN pin state. Is this correct ?
If yes, then I would like to use CHIP_EN pin to shut down and restart the device. What is the exact state of the 8266 while CHIP_EN is pulled low ?
Then, when pulling it high again, is the device behavior the same as a reset ? Or do I need to go through driving EXT_RSTB low as well to ensure a good restart ?


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