ESP-WROVER-KIT v4.1 - how to enable ext 32.768 xtal
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:24 am
I purchased the ESP-WROVER-KIT v4.1 from Digikey and can not get the external 32.768 crystal to be accepted when I enable it with menuconfig. The output is always
W (321) clk: 32 kHz XTAL not found, switching to internal 150 kHz oscillator
I've tried deep sleep examples which programatically call out for enabling and calibrating the xtal but they don't work.
I've loaded the lcd example stock and it worked and then changed CONFIG_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS=y and CONFIG_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES=576 and it gave the same 32 kHz XTAL not found... message.
I could not find any examples for the ESP_WROVER_KIT with CONFIG_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS=y
Even the deep_sleep example does not enable the 32.768kHz crystal.
W (321) clk: 32 kHz XTAL not found, switching to internal 150 kHz oscillator
I've tried deep sleep examples which programatically call out for enabling and calibrating the xtal but they don't work.
I've loaded the lcd example stock and it worked and then changed CONFIG_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS=y and CONFIG_RTC_CLK_CAL_CYCLES=576 and it gave the same 32 kHz XTAL not found... message.
I could not find any examples for the ESP_WROVER_KIT with CONFIG_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS=y
Even the deep_sleep example does not enable the 32.768kHz crystal.