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Custom PCB ESP32-C3-Mini not working

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:27 pm
by laurent.coldfusion
Dear Support,
I need your help to find some guidelines to discover my mistake.
I have made some PCBs based on typical application circuit of the module ESP32-C3-Mini with some minor modifications: a pushed button (SW3) on IO9 and a capacitor (C3) of 1 µF instead of 0.1 µF.
shema for support.png
shema for support.png (79.93 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
The power supply is working properly with an output of 3.3v.

I have noticed at reset that "Enable" is starting at 2v and falling down slowly to 0.6v which does not make sense. Even if I forced Enable to 3.3v. Same thing if I remove C3.

USB is not recognized by the PC so I can't upload any firmware. Seems that ESP mini is not booting at all.

I am probably missing something !
Any clue or path that I could investigate would be welcome.


Re: Custom PCB ESP32-C3-Mini not working

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:30 am
by ESP_Sprite
shema for support.png
shema for support.png (95.99 KiB) Viewed 1396 times
Time for some PCB rework, I think. (Note that if this is Kicad, the electric rule check (ERC) of the schematic program would likely have caught this error if you'd ask it to check.)

Re: Custom PCB ESP32-C3-Mini not working

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:13 am
by laurent.coldfusion
I knew it, I was pretty sure I was making a huge mistake, so huge I could not see it !
Thank you so much !
Need to do rework now ;)