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ESP32C3 RF test

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:35 am
by Sandip Patel
We have flashed RF test binary provided by Espressif on ESP32C3. We are using RF test tool to perform test.

We have done basic testing related to Wi-Fi & BLE on module, but we are facing issue in understanding result of few commands.
During BLE Rx test, the command response we are receiving is different than the mention in section 4.3.1 of "ESP RF test guide". Please check attached image for reference. We need a detailed RF command to understand the command response for Tx and Rx test for BLE.

We also want to do RF range test using RF test tool on ESP32C3 for Wi-Fi & BLE. How can we verify Wi-Fi & BLE Range(Line of Sight) of ESP32C3 using RF test tool?
Do we need to use Wi-Fi Adaptivity method to do Wi-Fi range test?