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How to power ESP32 devkitc v4 module from regulated 5v?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 2:35 pm
by susdev
I have lipo battery connected to tp4056 (with protection) and its connected to 5v output boost module. How can I connect it to the board? And then can I have a usb connected to the board without burning the module?

Re: How to power ESP32 devkitc v4 module from regulated 5v?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:31 am
by rsimpsonbusa
From boost converter (u really don't need it but anyway...) + to ESP32-wroom 5v pin (from photo bottom left pin) and from boot - to GND (ANY OF THEM).

Can connect a USB to the ESP32 WROOM directly (with this connection in place, no need to disconnect) and flash any firmware you want, then disconnect the USB and if the battery is full and it will work.

Can also connect a USB to the TP4056 for charging WHILE it feeds the ESP32.

You really don't need the Boost since the TP4056 will output 3.7v and you have a 1000mah (milli amps hour) battery which will allow the ESP32 to work for a good while (depending on what u are doing etc) before recharging. In this configuration just connect the OUT+ to 3.3v (top left) and OUT- to any GND pin.

But u will need a USB connection to load any firmware and later disconnect it and let the battery feed the ESP32.


Re: How to power ESP32 devkitc v4 module from regulated 5v?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 3:08 am
by ESP_Sprite
rsimpsonbusa wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:31 am
Can also connect a USB to the TP4056 for charging WHILE it feeds the ESP32.
Note that that is bad practice as the extra load means the TP4056 doesn't know when to stop charging. You can work around that with a simple circuit, though: ... 01149c.pdf