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Keyboard controller?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:10 am
by calcmandan
I'm in the process of learning my way around micrcontrollers and designing an IOT device that will include a thumb keyboard. The font used will be an older one used on BBS systems and I envision having control keys to utilize the upper area of the fonts for drawing.

As such, I'm aware that the esp32 lacks the pins needed to program a keyboard so I'm thinking a keyboard controller chip would be needed. Does anyone have a recommendation on what I should use?

I looked up a few but they seem to be more fit for a laptop and seemingly preprogrammed. Below is an example:

Keyboard Controller LPC47N350-NU


Re: Keyboard controller?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:12 am
by calcmandan
Since posting this thread, I was told that the job would be handled by a shift register, particularly a 7400 series TI register.

I've downloaded a few data sheets and there's a million of them out there. Would this one from adafruit be a good suggestion?

74HC595 Shift Register