Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:20 pm
Hi does anyone at espressif have any recommendations for a Camera to be used with the esp32?
hi,I want to drive ov2640 with ESP32.I looked up your demo,but it control so many hardware registers.So it is difficult to understand your demo.Do you have a register datasheet?ESP_igrr wrote:I did a proof-of-concept QR code scanning demo last month, and used OV7725 camera. Other OV7xxx series should work as well, with some changes to camera configuration code.
OV5xxx can work too, but it's advisable to choose the ones which support RGB or YUV 8-bit wide output bus. The ones which only output 10-bit raw data may be a bit harder to work with.
You will need XCLK, PCLK, HREF, VSYNC, SCK, SDA, D0-7 signals connected between the camera and ESP32.
Also choose the camera which can output a scaled down (QVGA or VGA) image. Use of larger frame buffers will require external SPI RAM.
We also do have a development board with camera connector in pipeline.
Please see registers for OV2640 in form as used in demo and the register datasheet.hi,I want to drive ov2640 with ESP32.I looked up your demo,but it control so many hardware registers.So it is difficult to understand your demo.Do you have a register datasheet?
hi krzychb,
erhardd wrote:Hey rudi!
Nice to see you again.
I've begun porting the cam-app(idf) from krzychb to Arduino-IDE.
The steps are:
1. - init GLCD in 8-bit mode and prepare to output to(in my case-ILI9325) reg-r22;
2. -start the XCLK-Output;
3. -begin preview by cont. write to reg.r22;
krzychb is writing to framebuffer. For further filtering to serial output.
This is not neccessary for preview-only.
Look at the beginning(outcommented) at(under Programm-Button 6):