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IDF component (or example) for ESP32 and SPI-FRAM?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:51 am
by bruchmueller
Dear all,

does somebody have example code, or a IDF component, to use SPI-FRAM? I read the documentation of SPI-PSRAM, with QSPI bus, but that is not what we have. There IS a SPI-FRAM code from Adafruit for Arduino, but it uses the complete Arduino code base and looks difficult to port.

The device we use is the FM25CL64B ( ... bdfcd83119), but similiar devices from Fujitsu (MB85xxx), Cypress/Infinion (FM25xxx) and Lapis (MR45xxx) seem to use the same commands.

Would be great, when the ESP-IDF Components library would include a SPI-FRAM component. Until then, somebody have an example code to start with?