ESP32 NFC OOB Bluetooth pairing

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Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:55 pm

ESP32 NFC OOB Bluetooth pairing

Postby bobslawblog » Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:07 am

I would like to add NFC OOB BLE pairing between two custom ESP32 boards.

I do appreciate the fact that alternative ways exist to pair BLE but I am attempting to be interoperable with an existing solution that is already using BLE+NFC OOB tap pairing.

I believe I can add an RC522 to serve as the NFC reader
my question is... what would the forum suggest to add NFCT PICC type A capability to the ESP32 (the tag emulation)?

My web research keeps landing on the all-in-one BLE+NFC solutions such as the nRF52840 Module but it also includes with Bluetooth 5.2 which is overkill because the ESP32 already includes it.

In summary, please suggest the most minimal approach to add NFC OOB pairing to the onboard ESP32. Arduino IDE support is desired.


Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:55 pm

Re: ESP32 NFC OOB Bluetooth pairing

Postby bobslawblog » Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:38 am

For others that may be attempting the same thing. Perhaps including the following TI chip in the design to act as a dynamic NFC tag on one ESP32 device to send a random OOB BLE pairing code ...

While the other ESP32 would include a NFC reader.

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