Autonomous BLE module for low consumption applications

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Autonomous BLE module for low consumption applications

Postby CraosCZ » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:48 am

Hi, I need to make a lock controlled via BT. The problem is that it should require the replacement of batteries (3x AA) a maximum of once every 3 months. If I take a standard ESP board, it will run for 1 day without sleeping. If I start to put it to sleep, I have to solve the problem of tuning the wake-up period for BT advertising vs. consumption - a user cannot wait at the box for 5 minutes before the board wakes up and sends BT advertising for subsequent connection. Has anyone dealt with something like that? I thonk that an autonomous BLE board would solve the problem. ESP would be permanently put to sleep, the board would use the LE chip to broadcast advertising regularly, and when the connection request arrived, ESP would wake up for further action. But I can't find any such a module.

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