ESP32-S3 USB JTAG bridge ?
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:28 pm
I understand from the TRM that it should be possible to use the USB JTAG controller as a bridge to an external device by setting this register :
Is this possible ? Am I missing something here ? (maybe some setup needed related to the GPIO matrix ?)
However I was not able to get this to work.USB_SERIAL_JTAG_USB_JTAG_BRIDGE_EN Set this bit usb_jtag, the connection between
usb_jtag and internal JTAG is disconnected, and MTMS, MTDI, MTCK are output through GPIO
Matrix, MTDO is input through GPIO Matrix. (R/W)
Is this possible ? Am I missing something here ? (maybe some setup needed related to the GPIO matrix ?)