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Uploading on esp32 on Windows and Linux

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:16 am
by gweuuierh

I am using Esp32 Ethernet Kit A v1.2 board.

I uploaded the program using Arduino sketch.

There is no problem with the window.

However, when uploading from Ubuntu 16.04,

I have to press the boot pin on the Esp32 board to upload.

Why did this happen?

Re: Uploading on esp32 on Windows and Linux

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:38 am
by ESP_Sprite
Uploading makes use of an auto-reset circuit on the PCB, which relies on some particular signal timings. These timings depend on the USB-to-serial chip, your PC USB chipset, the operating system and the driver used. Sometimes, these can add up so the timings don't match anymore, as seems to be the case in your situation. If you want to fix this, an 10uF capacitor from the EN pin of the ESP32 to ground usually helps.