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Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:52 am
by hfc108
在某些应用里面,对大容量文件系统存储有要求,但SD卡稳定性并不高。Spi Nand Flash 封装小容量可达到1Gb~4Gb,ESP32有没有计划对该类存储支持?

Re: SpiNandFlash的支持

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:13 am
by ESP_Sprite
At the moment, we do not support this type of flash in hardware or in the SDK. You can, however, connect it to the ESP32 as a generic SPI device and use the SPI driver to talk to it.

Re: SpiNandFlash的支持

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:59 am
by hfc108
谢谢回复!我们也在考虑根据通过Nor Flash进行容量扩展,根据esp32的技术手册标明,片外存储器最大支持16MB。是否确认,外部接的SPI Nor Flash最大只能支持到16MB,超过16MB部分就无法当做数据存储使用?

Re: SpiNandFlash的支持

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:29 am
by ESP_Sprite
At the moment, with the current firmware, I doubt that adding more than 16MiB is going to work: addressing changes a bit on bigger parts, also we cannot use memory mapping to read the extra data. If you do want this, feel free to create an issue on our issue tracker ( and we will see if we can accommodate this in the software. As a quick solution, however, I'd say using a 2nd flash chip will be easier.