Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

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Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby zliudr » Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:23 pm

So I'm trying to make my own board with a camera. I am using ESP-EYE reference design: ... s?keys=EYE

In the design, if you go to the camera section, you see lots of 0 ohm shunts.
Screenshot 2021-08-28 181536.jpg
Ref design
Screenshot 2021-08-28 181536.jpg (54.34 KiB) Viewed 5023 times
Here is a photo of the board.
Dev board
MFG_ESP-EYE_Bottom.jpg (81.68 KiB) Viewed 5023 times
If you look above the ESP32 module, there is a row of 12 shunts in a long and narrow white rectangle. So why do they want those shunts everywhere? It's not just on these pins. It's also on the power supplies etc. if you download and open the schematics .pdf file.

I originally thought they wanted different net names across the resistors which might not be resistors at all but the photo shows the resistors are indeed there.
More on power and ground:
Screenshot 2021-08-28 182554.jpg
More shunts for agnd-gnd and power supplies
Screenshot 2021-08-28 182554.jpg (48.97 KiB) Viewed 5021 times

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby username » Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:13 pm

This is typically done on new designs. In many of those 0 Ohm locations adding say a 200 ohm resistor on a data line will help reduce EMI. On power supply lines adding a valued resistor in those 0 Ohm places will act like a filter circuit to make the supply rail
more clean from noise / spikes. SOoooo. you start off with 0 Ohm, and if later you find out you need to use these options by adding a valued resistor, you can without making a board redesign.

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby zliudr » Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:05 pm

Thanks @username!

I'll read more on this especially on the EMI reduction. So as a designer you can have test engineers test and vary the resistance until they achieve best results?

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby username » Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:42 pm

So as a designer you can have test engineers test and vary the resistance until they achieve best results?

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:42 am

Also, given that these are devboards, they provide for an easy way to modify the board without having to resort to cutting traces. Want to measure a power rail? Just desolder the 0 ohm resistor and replace it with a low-value shunt, then measure the voltage drop to get the current. Want to disconnect a part because you need to use the GPIO for something else? Simply knock off the 0-ohm resistor. Need to probe a signal? Solder a wire to one side of the 0 ohm resistor. Etc.

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby username » Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:45 am

Good point ESP_Sprite

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby zliudr » Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:18 am

Great! Thanks @ESP_Sprit! I guess I can skip a few of them since I could do a solder jumper if I need to maintain separate net names across connections and still have the option to more easily cut the trace or solder it back. For anyone not comfortable with that, a 0 ohm resister is easier.

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Re: Studying ESP-EYE V2.1 ref design. A few questions...

Postby zliudr » Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:19 am

username wrote:
Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:45 am
Good point ESP_Sprite
You can learn something everyday!

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