Touch Pad Matrix with the ESP32 WROOM-32

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Touch Pad Matrix with the ESP32 WROOM-32

Postby FlorianR » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:39 pm

I did build a PCB with a 4x4 +1 capactive touch button matrix. I noticed that the sensitivity is horrible, there is less than 5% change in the sense counts. Also the touch matrix example is only written for the ESP32-S2 also the touch_matrix.h library seems to be only written for the ESP32-S2. can it be that the ESP32 is not able to drive a touch button matrix?

Example picture of the matrix button configuration: ... 32c6cb.png

I have one button that uses half a "matrix button" that is connected alone to a touch pins of the ESP32, that works fine.
As soon I have 4 connected in a row it goes bad. I assume that the parrasitic effects of the other untouched pads could play a role.
I noticed that all 10 touch channels are beeing sampled at the same time and not one after the other, maybe a problem for matrix reading too?

Maybe somebody knows a little about those problems and can help me :)
Best regards from Germany,

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