Want to help test ESP32C3 functionality?

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Want to help test ESP32C3 functionality?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:09 am

Hey everyone,

As you may have heard, the ESP32C3 has a built-in USB-JTAG-serial converter. This hardware functionally is like a built-in ESP-Prog device: by hooking up only an USB port, you can both program the ESP32C3, read/write from the 'serial' port, as well as debug your software using gdb/JTAG.

Thing is, we want to change over to this port as the main connection port for our devboards. However, before we feel confident doing so, we want to know if this will lead to issues for some people. That's why we decided we need some testers for this.

Are you:
- Confident with ESP-IDF enough to be able to change to the latest or even the master version of the software?
- At least knowledgable enough about your OS to figure out basic USB problems?
- Willing to help us by playing around a bit with a C3 devboard? (Program an app into it, try gdb, ...)
- Willing to share your findings?

Then send me a mail: jeroen at espressif dot com, with the subject 'C3 USB-JTAG-serial test', with the OS you're intending to use and your address and phone number, plus any more info you may think is relevant. We'll send out a pair of modified C3 devkits you can use. Test these, send us back your findings and you can keep the devkits.

(Note that we only have a limited amount of devkits available; we'll distribute them evenly about the OSses etc available, so you may unfortunately not get one if we get over-run with testers.)

Posts: 9594
Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am

Re: Want to help test ESP32C3 functionality?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:55 am

FWIW, we still have some boards available, so feel free to mail if you're interested.

Posts: 9594
Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am

Re: Want to help test ESP32C3 functionality?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:29 pm

And I think we have enough testers for now; de-stickying this topic.

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