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ESP-WROOM-02D bootloader problem

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 12:48 pm
by Andreas Arvidsson
Hi! I'm sorry but I'm really stuck to get the ESP8266 Download tool (v3.8.5) to sync with my hardware.

I have a Microchip PIC32MM0256GPM064 micro controller with USB port, which I at this point works as a virtual comport, including possibility control baudrate and RTS/DTR to enable auto download with ESP8266 flash tools.

GPIO0 is low when EN goes high and the chip reports "ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(1,7)" @74880bps

The flash tool is repeatedly sending "\xC0\0\x08$\0\0\0\0\0\x07\x07\x12 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU\xC0" @115200
But there is no response from ESP8266.

Are there any other condition to be met that i missed? Flow control? Any other important pin-states?

Please see attached screenshot from my logic analyzer.