ESP32 DevKitC ESP-WROOM-32U + GY-PCM5102 power issue

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ESP32 DevKitC ESP-WROOM-32U + GY-PCM5102 power issue

Postby forest100 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:03 pm

Hello All,
With hardware parts stated in subject I am trying to build my own version of web radio.
Esp32 is connecting to radio broadcaster and then with I2S data is send to pcm5102 which is connected to active speaker. So far so good. All seems to work as expected.
Now, as power source I am using usb port from computer, mainly for debugging and testing. And this works fine.
Also when connected to powerbank all works nicely.
But as this radio is going to be turned on for most of the time I want to plug it into the wall. For this purpose I wanted to use my old phone charger which gives 5V and 2A. My whole setup together with some oled takes max 0.2A so it should be more than enough.
But it doesnt work. Esp is running. Web server that I have implemented is running as well. Oled is nicely displaying current station but there is no sound.

Same configuration connected to powerbank works nicely playing radio station. But connected to wall via phone charger there is no audio.

I have measured voltages on all power pins and its same value no matter what power source I use.

I have tried connecting pcm5102 to 5V and to 3.3V (via Esp32 3.3v pin). Same result. With powerbank works nicely, with phone charger there is no sound.

On pcm5102 there is soft mute pin XSMT that mutes audio when LOW. I suspect that this guy can be guilty but I am not able to prove it. I tried to connect that pin to VCC and also to separate pin (configured to be HIGH). In both scenarios same result. Works with powerbank. No audio with phone charger. I also tried different types of phone chargers but no diffrerence there. Seems to be working only with battery power or when connected directly to computer usb port.

So I am out of ideas. Could it be that switching regulator used in phone charger can make a mess somehow?

I will appreciate any suggestions.

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Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:21 pm

Re: ESP32 DevKitC ESP-WROOM-32U + GY-PCM5102 power issue

Postby forest100 » Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:05 am

If anyone interested, I have switched GY-PCM5102 module with Adafruit UDA1334a. With no code changes and no wire changes. Just replaced module and reused same pins. And now I can hear audio no matter what power supply I use.
But, its not that perfect. Now I can hear regular, constant popping in my speaker. Even when connected to powerbank. Guess uda1334a is much more sensitive to power supply noises. And probably would need some optocoupler for power line or something like that. To isolate those noises.
Still, this proves that original issue is related to pcm5102. And I still believe its about soft mute that for some reason is unstable with wall power supply. But I can't prove that so far.

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