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How to design a custom PCB with a ESP32 WROOM

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:18 pm
by alexander96
Hello folks, my name is Alexander and I am 24y old engineering student from germany.
I am currently working on a project where I use network compatible Arduinos some RGB LED's a button as well as an RFID-Module.
Because I want to upgrade this kind of protoyp I want to switch from Arduino to an ESP32 WROOM-E and use a costum PCB so that I dont have to do anymore soldering and can just order the boards online on Jlcpcb for example.

I first used an ESP32 DEV module to test if my code will work on an ESP and everything looks good for now (even tho I havent dont long termin and stability testing and stuff like this). Now I want to take the next step and start creating my own PCB schematics.

Where can I find informations about how to design a good and reliable schematics for my kind of stuff?
If I understood it right there are basicly 3 parts to get the ESP32 running:
Power supply
Micro Usb Connector
and USB to UART connector
(and my stuff like Pin header for the RFID Module, LEDs, etc.)

I also looked at the ESP32 Hardware Design Guidelines, but I dont want to start from scratch and just use a ESP32-WROOM-E module so the informations there do not really help me.

The main parts used in the most DEV-Kits are the AMS1117-3,3V for power supply and the CP2102N-A01-GQFN28 USB / UART connector.

Does it make sense to stick to these components for a custom design or are there better alternatives?

Shall I just try to copy the schematics from the devkit ? Are there any examples of good custom ESP32 designs?
For example a optimized power supply so the ESP works with cheap 5V Phone power supplys even on power consumption spikes.


Re: How to design a custom PCB with a ESP32 WROOM

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:03 pm
by WiFive
There are a lot of open source designs you can look at olimex, adafruit, sparkfun, m5stack, ...

Re: How to design a custom PCB with a ESP32 WROOM

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:20 pm
by alexander96
Hello as I cant really evalute the quality of those designs could you recommend me on concrete design which is probably close to what I need?

Best regards

Re: How to design a custom PCB with a ESP32 WROOM

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:19 am
by ESP_Sprite
It really depends on what you need and what your other considerations are (size, availability of parts, power efficiency, ...). If you're happy with the DevkitC, just copy-pasta that design. If you need other specifics, look into parts or datasheets that have that.