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ttgo t-camera v 18650 single battery shield

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:05 am
by asterion
I have a t-camera v1.6.2 that works fine off a powered usb hub. When plugged into a wemos 18650 single battery shield (advertised for use with ESP32) the board does not seem to start or at least does not connect to wifi. I have checked voltages from the battery shield. So this is either amperage or noise.

Assuming its amperage, is there a general rule of thumb then for how many 18650 batteries need be on the shield before you use a shield for an ESP32? Would it be 2 or 4?

If it's noise, I suspect I have a dud shield. Still investigation that. The battery seems to happily charge etc.

Re: ttgo t-camera v 18650 single battery shield

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:43 pm
by Agree007
With only one 18650 battery, be sure to use high quality , some cheap from china does not have the required power.

I have esp32 running on one cell, so with the right shield and battery it will work as Long as the battery have Power.

Re: ttgo t-camera v 18650 single battery shield

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:45 am
by becorey
Are you powering with a usb cable, from the USB-A 5V out on the 18650 shield to the micro usb in on the t-camera? Or something different using the 5V or 3.3V pins on the 18650 shield?

Do you have a scope to check the voltage during transients? wifi pulls a big current spike its likely dipping the voltage.

What cell are you using? Higher energy cells generally support worse power/current output and vice versa.