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How to drive the tinypico with nRF52 power profiler module.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:34 am
by godspeed32
It is that I try to measure the power consumption of board Tinypico with nRF52 power profiler, but it seems like that the nRF52 cannot drive the Tinypico, which means I cannot power the board to work to transfer data. So I used a board of Espressif to check whether the nRF52 gets a problem and the Espressif one can work normally. Would you please tell me what the potential problem it should be?
Thank you!

Re: How to drive the tinypico with nRF52 power profiler module.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:39 am
by ESP_Minatel

If you are using the PPK first version, you can measure current up to 70mA only. Probably they have some over current protection to avoid you damage the kit.

Re: How to drive the tinypico with nRF52 power profiler module.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:03 am
by godspeed32
Hi ESP_Minatel,
i did use the 1st PKK. It seems like the maximum current I measured currently is 80mA, I cannot still find the way to drive the esp32-Tinypico.