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same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:25 pm
by mavros2001

I developed a board that contains esp32, 12v to 5V and 3.3V source(MP1584EN), st232c and DS1307. The PCBs are identical but for those with wroom-32U when using external power, UART0 no longer works properly. Some strange signs and sometimes truncated debug messages appear in the debug window. If I power the board through the USB adapter (5V) the messages come correctly. If I want to program the wroom-32U board and use external power, I can't program. If I use the power from the USB-TTL adapter it is OK.
On wroom-32 boards, debug messages appear correctly and can be programmed no matter what power source I use.
I use the same USB-TTL adapter in all tests.
When I use the board power supply, I disconnect the 5V wire from the USB-TTL adapter.
What is the difference between WROOM-32 and WROOM-32U and how can I solve the problem because I will only use WROOM-32U?
Thank you

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:38 am
by ESP_Sprite
Are you sure you connected the grounds togethet?

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:42 am
by mavros2001
All the connections, all the cables are the same but different behaviors.

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:41 am
by ESP_Sprite
Well, there is not much difference between the ESP32-wroom-32 and esp-32-wroom-U, they're later revisions iirc but the basic schematic didn't change. Are you sure that there isn't something different between the PCBs, as in a bridged solder connection, or a solder connection that didn't take? Can you perhaps share schematics?

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:23 am
by mavros2001
I attached the schematic from where I started. I don't use USB to UART on board and I use another Power supply from 12V to 5V (MP1584) and a LDO from 5v to 3.3V. All the PCBs are the same and all the components was planted on the line.

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:22 am
by ESP_Sprite
Not sure exactly why it would give problems, and extremely not sure why on a 32U but not on a 32, but I'd suspect the logic around D1/D3. If any, you're pulling up an ESP32 pin to 5V (via R35), which is out of spec. Can you check if removing R35/R40 and shorting D1/D3 still gives you the issue?

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:05 am
by mavros2001
On my PCB I don't use the USB to UART from schematic. I connect an USB to TTL adaptor like this:

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:30 am
by ESP_Sprite
Clear. Do you still have the on-board USB-to-serial chip connected or did that get removed in the design?

Re: same PCB, but different behaviors at esp32-wroom-32 and wroom-32U

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:36 am
by mavros2001
The USB-to-serial chip was removed from board