Flashing Bare Esp32 WROOM

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Flashing Bare Esp32 WROOM

Postby halilarkl07 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:08 am

Hi people,

I tried to flash the program bare ESP32 but failed.
After that, I tried to flash the ESP32 DOIT kit but the same problems occurred like bare ESP32.

I am using the doit kit's TX0, RX0 pins. I connect these pins to MAX3232 and I saw data on the serial monitor via rs232/usb converter. So everything works fine.

Then I push the "Boot" button and "EN" button same time and release the EN button. When I did that, I saw "waiting for download" but not the right shape. Most of the time I am reading "waiing for ownload" or this kind of corrupted data. After I saw that print, I tried to flash the program but it always failed.

I would be grateful to someone to help me with that.

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Re: Flashing Bare Esp32 WROOM

Postby mikemoy » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:17 pm

Then I push the "Boot" button and "EN" button same time and release the EN button.
The correct way is push "Boot" and "EN" buttons at same time then release "EN" button, then wait about 0.25 sec and release "Boot" button.

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