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ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:55 am

I develop ESP32-D2WD based Custom board (Please find below attachment image of Schematic connection) and use ESP-Prog JTAG Flasher.

I am not familiar with ESP-IDF and OpenOCD Command but I setup all things and try to catch ESP32-D2WD using ESP-Prog and JTAG based programming line.

When I run
openocd -f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg
command we got an error and which is show something look like the below image of 002.

I don't get what is exactly the issue is that hardware issue or Its something wrong over command because we use ESP32-D2WD custom board and use the wrover-kit-3.3 command line for check hardware.

I use 40MHz 10pF Crystal instead of 22pF as well as use 100nF instead of 1nF over CAP1 and CAP2 pin.

So what is exactly the issue I don't know I am not able to access ESP32-D2WD over the OpenOCD Command line?

Can you check the connection or something OpenOCD ESP-IDF issue???

Have a good day,

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:25 am
by ESP_Sprite
If anything, you don't seem to properly reset the chip using CHIP_PU. That pin needs at the very least a RC circuit to pull it down while the power supply is ramping up; see the ESP32 datasheet for more info.

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:13 am

As I add 0.1uF decoupling capacitor over CHIP_EN pin and Run OpenOCD command I got results like the below attachment image.

As I see it's some AMD chip found but not able to access exactly Part or IC so can you suggest to me what is an issue or how can solve and access ESP32-D2WD?

I want to confirm is that Successfully chip access or still something wrong, because I think need to add some driver LibUSB over ESP32-D2WD fresh chip, maybe I don't know about this also my confusion is I think Instead of JTAG its use USB flash I am not sure about this so can you suggest it's still something wrong.


Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:31 am
by ESP_Roland
MANGUKIA, have you installed the correct USB drivers?

Here is how to do it in case you don't have it: ... ig#windows

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:36 pm

I already follow this driver Update step and as I check over the device manager its looks like ok Device driver looks good.

For confirmation attach an image of the device manager.

I am not able to access chip ID based on OCD command some AMD chip is detected successfully but does not able to identify ARM chip is ESP32-D2WD or which one ARM chip is that because I am not getting device ID as well.

Anyone can suggest to me how can I solve that issue its Hardware issue???

Best Regards,
Have a good day,

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:04 pm
by Scott.Bonomi
I had issues understanding the basic openocd output also.

I will suggest that you use "-d3" to turn on more debugging log entries.
For my system I also add " -l ./MyLogFileName.log" to the command line so I get the output in a form I can loot at it later.

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:26 am

You can find the log file below based on -d3 command.

Please check the output.


Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:50 am
by ESP_Sprite
Looks like your JTAG communication gets corrupted, in my opionion. You could try editing the configuration file you feed OpenOCD and reducing the 'adapter_khz' line to a lower value.

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:33 pm
by Scott.Bonomi
Your openOCD is bit behind, you seem to be using November 2019
and I was not successful until I upgraded to July 2020

Further you have an issue with communication frequency. You are setting to 20 MHz and apparently finding hardware at 15 MHz. I suggest dropping down to maybe 5MHz or lower until you have a bit more success.

Is it possible that you have script files from different versions of openocd? There appears to be a mismatch in target name between esp32 and ocd_esp32.

In my case I am using a J-Link rather than a FTDI box so I do not have an exact match to your log. I expect your issue has a lot to do with a clocking mismatch.

Re: ESP32-D2WD Based Custom board JTAG Flash issue.

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 4:24 pm

I already Change adapter_khz Frequency lower value as well as done all process which is suggested but still, I am not getting success.

Can anyone confirm is that hardware issue or some issue with setup OpenOCD tool.

We use ESP32-D2WD IC and use openocd -f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg command which is esp32-wroover-kit command.

Best Regards,
Have a good day,