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The First Son, we never forget!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:13 pm
by julianorodrigues0316
Hello people...

I just set up my first ESP32-cam with PIR and FTDI, could you look at me, the connections?
I'm afraid something is wrong, I haven't plugged in yet, here are my connections ...

FTDI ESP32-cam ESP32-cam Sensor SR505

GNC connected in GNC 3V3 connected in +
VCC connected in 5V GND connected in -
TX connected in U0R OUT connected in ???????
RX connected in U0T

I don't know where to connect the OUT of the 505 Sensor.
Don't be scared if I messed up a lot, this is my first experience with ESP32.
And after connecting these wires, what do I do? I connect the ESP32 via the FTDI microUSB on the USB of the computer, and I open the Arduino IDE and put the code in there, right?