Im using an ESP32 Wroom32 receiving messages and executing them. The use case needs the messages to be received while the main program is running.
Code as is now: (runs properly)
- //initial code
- setup()
- {
- //wifi, server settings
- }
- main(){
- WiFiClient client = server.available();
- byte msg_full[40];
- if (client)
- {
- Serial.println("Client connected");
- while (client.connected())
- {
- msg=;
- msg_full = process_msg(&msg, client); //Returns a 0 array if msg is incorrect or has error. msg_full is full message
- if (msg_full [0] != 0) //Runs only if msg_full is not zero ie, valid
- {
- msg_run(msg_full);
- //msg_full is set to zero again
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //initialisations
- /
- setup()
- {
- //wifi, server settings
- }
- main()
- {
- WiFiClient client = server.available();
- byte msg_full[40];
- byte msg_list[50][40];
- int count = 0;
- if (count != 0)
- {
- msg_run(msg_list[0]);
- //Decrement count
- //Move msgs in msg_list by 1 row above
- }
- }
- def msg_rx_interrupt(int msg, WiFiClient& client_connected)
- {
- If (client_connected.connected())
- {
- msg =;
- msg_full = process_msg(&msg, client_connected); //Returns a 0 array if msg is incorrect or has error. msg_full is full message
- //add new msg_full to msg_list
- //count = count + 1
- }
- }
Which Interrupt do I assign the function msg_rx_interrupt to? ... /wifi.html does not list/document any receive/transmit events or interrupts