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wrover kit shematic V2 "SD Card"

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:40 pm
by rudi ;-)
hi guys

after several times doing sd card things i have a time to look up on the shematic detailed and see,
that DATA2 is not pulled up ( NC )
Wrover_sd_Card.png (81.11 KiB) Viewed 5573 times
i wounder me, is this cause GPIO12 or do we not need to pull up this line.
i remind to me, that ivan talked, we must pulled up all lines ( hope have understand well )
can you do a small state to this please?

thank you
best wishes
rudi ;-)

Re: wrover kit shematic V2 "SD Card"

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:12 am
by ESP_Angus
Hi Rudi,

IO12 is not pulled up on the board because it needs to be low on reset to enable 3.3V flash voltage. Refer to this note in the sd_card example README: ... out-gpio12

I found that on my ESP-WROVER-KIT boards, the sd_card example worked without any software or hardware modifications. However you may get different behaviour with a different SD card.

If your card is still not working, check you have connected the SD_IO2 to IO2 jumper as described on page 8 of the ESP-WROVER-KIT getting started guide PDF:

Re: wrover kit shematic V2 "SD Card"

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:21 am
by rudi ;-)
hi Angus

txs for fast reply
I thought this into thoughts, cause gpio12, but was not sure.

yes can confirm, here sd card example works without modifikation on wrover.

thank you!

best wishes
rudi ;-)