goes to flash mode when it is powered externally
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:41 am
I am working on windows 8.1 with ESP-IDF 4.0 release, using the ESP-IDF cmd that was installed automatically with the ESP-IDF setup '.exe' file. When I power the ESP32-NodeMCU externally, it starts the flash mode automatically, but rather than that, it should run its app by default. I have attached a picture of the ESP32 development board that I have. When I power it up externally along with the USB cable connected to it, it also goes to the flash mode automatically, even if I restart it multiple times, keeps getting the flash mode. As a proof, when I press the 'boot' button, it stops flashing, which is logical. When I disconnect the external power and restart it, it runs the app normally. The same thing applies when I feed the 3.3 V to the 3v3 pin. However, this is a real problem for me, I have no idea why is this happening. Moreover, I think that there is another problem that might be related to the same problem that I am facing now, when I power it up using the USB cable, it provides 2V from the 5V pin, but the GPIO pins provide 3.6V which correct. Even the 3.3v provides a very small voltage. I have sensed all the 3 voltage regulators, all of them are providing the correct voltage when I power them externally (not from the USB cable), which is 3.3 V as the correct voltage. But, when I power them up from the USB cable, all of them provide (as an output) a very low voltage, like 0.42 V. What is killing my mind is that it runs normally when I provide it with electricity from the USB cable and gives like 0.42 V out from the voltage regulators, knowing that the USB cable provides 5 V. I have provided all the information that I have until now. This is the product link on ali-express: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32656775273.html