JTAG Upload - Verify Fails on App Partition

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Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:22 am

JTAG Upload - Verify Fails on App Partition

Postby GreenGiant » Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:12 pm

I'm stuck, any help appreciated!

ESP32 WROOM, custom partition table. App partition is 2.5M and the compiled binary for the app is a little over 100kB, so load of space free.

The app partition is the first partition after the partition table (at 0x8000) at the usual offset 0x10000. The next partition is at 0x2F0000, so that is just shy of 3M above the start of the app partition, so I am not expecting a collision. There are a few more small partitions above this one, all adjacent and 64kB aligned.

All the partitions EXCEPT the factory app flash and verify ok.

I get more than 128 errors where the read byte is wrong. Here is a exerpt:
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
Info : cpu0: Target halted, PC=0x400916EA, debug_reason=00000001
read 976096 bytes from file build/myproj.bin and flash bank 0 at offset 0x00010000 in 4.015728s (237.371 KiB/s)
contents differ
diff 0 address 0x00023ec6. Was 0x0a instead of 0x15
diff 1 address 0x00023ec7. Was 0x20 instead of 0x40
diff 2 address 0x00023ec8. Was 0x17 instead of 0x16
diff 3 address 0x0004072a. Was 0x6e instead of 0xdc
diff 4 address 0x0004072b. Was 0x0a instead of 0x14
diff 5 address 0x0004072c. Was 0xb3 instead of 0xb2
diff 6 address 0x00040a6a. Was 0x06 instead of 0x0c
diff 7 address 0x00040a6b. Was 0x14 instead of 0x28
diff 8 address 0x00040a6c. Was 0x83 instead of 0x82
diff 9 address 0x00040b0e. Was 0x4e instead of 0x9c
I am uploading via JTAG and not had an issue before using JTAG.

Any thoughts, please?


Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:22 am

Re: JTAG Upload - Verify Fails on App Partition

Postby GreenGiant » Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:31 pm


Adapter speed was too high in the default config for the minimodule4 I am using (20M). Halved it to 10MHz, all is good now.

Will leave this post here for anyone else who is banging their head against the wall!

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