I just tried to implement a GPS communication on GPIO 32/33 TX/RX. (pin 8 and pin 9 on wroom32).
I can see on my oscilloscope that writing on GPIO32 / TX works, indicating that the uart init (UART_NUM_1) have succeded.
I am also getting a lot of data on the input, by looking at the oscilloscope.
But when I try to do this :
Code: Select all
uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *) malloc(RF_RECEIVER_BUF_SIZE);
int len = uart_read_bytes(UART_Masterport, data, RF_RECEIVER_BUF_SIZE, (timeout < 0 ? ticksToWait : pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout)));
printf("Output %d bytes: %s",len, (const char*)data);
Do I have to configure the GPIO in some way, or will the UART init process do this?