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Urgetn!! Need help finding an industrial ESP32 based contrller.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:41 am
by airmouse
Currently I use the ESP32-EVB from Olimex and have developed a working prototype. It runs Arduino code and works great. But those boards do not have certifications and I think we can't use them in an industrial setting (or for resale in our product).

I am desperate to find an equivalent which uses an ESP32 and has Ethernet and Mechanical relays or SSRs.

Can someone please help me find something we can use? I have tried industrial Arduinos such as the Iono but the Yun is slow and bulky and the Industruino does not have enough program memory to store our complied Sketch.

The ESP32 is an amazing MCU and I really would like to stick with it. But I need something in an enclosure that is certified (FCC CE) for use in industrial applications and includes Ethernet input, which has been very difficult for me to find.

And we are trying to get a product ready for a customer as soon as possible, I have spent a lot of time trying to find a solution for this but have come up empty handed every time.

Thank you for anyone who can help.